What’s in a name? Perhaps it reveals a person’s character, or maybe it describes their actions.
On Sabbath, March 4, women from throughout the Southern California Conference began a Day of Prayer program with a “name game,” connecting each letter of their name with one of the names or attributes of God. God has many names that tell us about who He is — such as Redeemer, Advocate, Beginning and the End and Lamb of God.
Women shared God’s amazing work in their lives and the lives of those around them. Janet Barnhill, Rolling Hills church, shared about her recent mission in Romania, where 19 women responded to a call she gave for baptism. “As you give the sermons every night, the Holy Spirit baptizes you again,” Barnhill testified.
Beverley Martin, Ph.D., SCC Women’s Ministries director, then spoke about her experience working in the public school system and the opportunities it affords her to witness; even stepping into her office at work is a window into her faith.
Janet Lui, SCC Prayer Ministries coordinator, gave a testimony about a spouse that does not express belief; she pointed out the new meaning she found in John 14:15 that says, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” “Calling yourself a Christian but not living up to its standard is taking the name of the Lord in vain,” she said.
Prayer groups gave attendees a chance to share and receive and offer prayer in specific areas of their lives, including finances, health, family, ministry and guidance.
Following the topic prayer groups, larger groups gathered to offer blessings over four pastors and leaders present: Ira Barksdale, pastor at Maranatha and Miramonte churches; Lawrence Klutse, prayer ministries coordinator at Smyrna church; Loren Hodnett, pastor at Smyrna church; and Mabel Duncan, assistant pastor at Sunland-Tujunga church. The fact that “everything rises and falls on leadership” was mentioned, reminding attendees to continue praying for church leaders.
After prayers for clergy, the group together sang “Draw Me Nearer” a cappella. Martin closed the program with a poem entitled “Who Is Jesus?” “Do not walk defeated,” she said in closing. “Hold your head up high.”