Within this department, you'll find information about Adventurers and Pathfinders programs, plus summer camp at Camp Cedar Falls. Click the links below to explore these programs, and feel free to contact us with any questions.



Pathfinders are a worldwide organization of young people sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, though young people of any religious persuasion, or none at all, are welcome and encouraged to join the organization. 


Click to learn more.

Pathfinder Coordinators click here



The mission of the Adventurer Club ministry is to serve an intercultural community of children from pre-kindergarten through fourth grade and their parents or guardians and assist Adventurer families in growing as followers of Jesus. 


Click to learn more.

Camp Cedar Falls


Camp Cedar Falls is a Christian group camp and conferencing center owned and operated by the Southern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. It is situated 6,000 feet up in the San Bernardino Mountains among beautiful and majestic cedar, pine, oak and spruce trees. Camp Cedar Falls is open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, or handicap.


Click to learn more.

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meet our team

If you need help with pathfinder forms, adventurer events, Camp Cedar Falls summer dates, or something else about youth ministries, we would be glad to help. Contact us below with any questions you may have.


Daniel Ortega

T: (818) 546-8442


Nuris Barriga
Administrative Assistant

T: (818) 546-8439