our mission#
To exalt Christ by cultivating healthy churches and schools.
our vision
We envision spiritually thriving churches and schools with flourishing faith, caring for their communities, and inspiring individuals to grow in and share Christ’s love.
our core values

We value and recognize the transforming power of God's word in our lives as we pursue wholeness in our character. We will not be bought or sold, because we are sold out for Christ.

We will do anything short of sin to reach people who don't know Christ. To reach people no one is reaching, we will have to be fully engaged, doing things no one is doing.

We are spiritual contributors not spiritual consumers. The church does not exist just for us; we exist for the world. We will give and manage our resources with excellence for this mission.

We recognize that the local church is the hope of the world, and we are confident we can accomplish infinitely more together than apart.

We value relationships and are unapologetic in our love. We are committed to honoring each other's gifts, talents, and strengths united together to accomplish Christ's mission.
our strategic objectives
Rigorous leadership & accountability process
Discipleship & leading others to Christ
Affordable education solutions
Community engagement
Develop extravagant givers