
The West Region is a complex of 22 churches, one company and several acknowledged groups that service the urban edge of Los Angeles in Hollywood and Culver City; the coast from Santa Monica to Santa Barbara; Burbank and the San Fernando Valley; all of Ventura County; the Santa Clarita Valley up through Frasier Park; and the high desert, with Ridgecrest marking our furthest outpost. We're tasked with providing services and outreach to all who seek to worship and participate in an English language-based, culturally American, authentically Southern Californian context. Wonderfully and incredibly diverse, we're proud that our members represent many nations. We seek to be contextually relevant, wherever our churches are situated within the values, goals and aims of the larger Conference, of which we're proud constituents.

I have served as pastor of two West Region churches: Hollywood (1997-2004) and Santa Clarita (2004-2015). I have a Master of Arts in Religion from La Sierra University and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Practical Theology from Claremont School of Theology. My goals are to continue the contextualization of ministries and the development of a culture of responsiveness; to execute the timely placement of competent and learning pastors; and to keep focused on the core of the mission of the church — to lead people into relationship with Jesus Christ, to serve community and church with their talents and spiritual gifts and to share what God is doing in our members lives with their families and friends.

Elder Gregory L. Hoenes, Ph.D.
West Region Director


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Do you have questions or need assistance? 
Contact us at west@sccsda.org.



Ronda Harrison
Administrative Assistant
T: (818) 546-8443