Greetings and welcome to the Southern California Conference! As a vibrant community of faith, we are dedicated to spreading the message of Christ through passionate evangelism and meaningful community service. Together, we aim to serve our neighbors, share the hope of the Gospel, and make a lasting impact in the lives of those around us. Whether you're visiting for the first time or are a long-time partner in ministry, we invite you to join us in fulfilling God's mission. Thank you for being part of this journey!

Dr. Royal L. Harrison

Executive Vice President

Helpful Links & Forms


Travel authorization requests should be submitted by 10 AM on the Wednesday before AdCom meets. Requests received after 10 AM will be added to the agenda of the next scheduled AdCom meeting.

Requests for the service of denominational employees who work within or without the NAD should be submitted using the appropriate form below.

Meet our team

Do you have questions or need assistance?
Contact us below.


Royal L. Harrison
Executive Vice President

Tracy Garnett
Executive Assistant
T: (818) 546-8405
