Welcome to the office of Southern California Conference Evangelism. The goal of this ministry is to get lay men and women involved in the preaching and teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This ministry works closely with SCC's five regions to coordinate conference-wide evangelism. Please explore the links below, where you can find latest news, personal and congregation outreach resources as well as visit the sites of your favorite ministries, i.e., It Is Written, Voice of Prophecy, Faith for Today, Breath of Life and La Voz de la Esperanza.

Links, Resources & Forms

Church Applied Newsletter, from Church Support Services, Pacific Union Conference

Discover Bible School, from the Voice of Prophecy

bibleinfo.com, hundreds of biblical topics and answers to questions in about 16 languages


Evangelism Endowment ApplicationS

Meet our team

If you have any questions about evangelism or related ministries, contact us below.


Royal L. Harrison
Executive Vice President

Tracy Garnett
Executive Assistant
T: (818) 546-8405

E: Evangelism@sccsda.org