This March, local community organizations, the Mayor’s office tasking the LAFD, and Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez and her staff all descended upon the Valley Crossroads church parking lot to provide Pfizer vaccinations for the residents of the 7th district (free of charge). March 2 marked the beginning of three weeks of vaccines made available to our 7th district, beginning with the City of Pacoima. Our church was the first of three vaccine locations, each operating for a duration of four to five days. A second dose of the vaccine would follow in three weeks’ time.
In five days, the Valley Crossroads location administered an average of 200 vaccinations per day. Praise God!
A prayerful and deliberate effort was again realized in helping to organize public events for building relationships and focusing on important issues that impact our community. And what important issue could be more needful (save the gospel) than public health?
“We have learned at Valley Crossroads that community is, first of all, a quality of heart,” noted John Trusty, pastor at Valley Crossroads church. “It grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another.“