Small groups were established during the series for new and current members to fellowship and meet together to learn about God.
Small groups were established during the series for new and current members to fellowship and meet together to learn about God.

This spring, the Camarillo church concluded a powerful evangelistic campaign—and the results were no small thing.

“Before the series, several people voiced their opinion that prophecy seminars are a thing of the past,” said Erwin Joham, pastor of the Camarillo church. Yet, as Associate Pastor Jason Whitley recalls, “The results from the evangelistic series were all positive.” A follow-up survey yielded concrete feedback: “Many stated that they would be delighted to have another series next year,” Whitley added.

This spring, the Camarillo church concluded a powerful evangelistic campaign—and the results were no small thing.

“Before the series, several people voiced their opinion that prophecy seminars are a thing of the past,” said Erwin Joham, pastor of the Camarillo church. Yet, as Associate Pastor Jason Whitley recalls, “The results from the evangelistic series were all positive.” A follow-up survey yielded concrete feedback: “Many stated that they would be delighted to have another series next year,” Whitley added.

Prayer time during the series played a crucial part in its ultimate success.
Prayer time during the series played a crucial part in its ultimate success.

Weekly small groups for new and current members grew out of the series, but this, too, was only the beginning of a greater story. “Small groups are something that we feel are very important for the life of the church,” Whitley stated, “and we are wanting to strengthen that moving forward.”

Something incredible happens when the body of Christ comes together. This event is certainly no exception. From moving presentations to community engagement and small group fellowship, every component of this event was equally crucial to its ultimate success. The 35 requests for baptism are a testimony to God’s working through each piece of this series.

“The most powerful part of the event was seeing the Bible as the rule book and the cross being the center of each message, which led people to give their life to Christ,” shared Calvin Gardner, Bible worker at the Camarillo church.

The 23 short sessions started a ripple effect that will forever impact the lives of those involved. “The universal reaction was one of enthusiasm and recommitment,” said Joham. “Hearts were changed and souls saved.”