The Women’s Ministry of Vallejo Drive church, under the leadership of Alma Wesley, has been active for more than three decades. Though the pandemic curtailed our face-to-face activities, on October 10, 2021, we gathered together for an outdoor lunch and to work on and complete a small project. That afternoon, more than 20 women tied 40 pre-cut small blankets to provide warmth for children living at Mi Pequeño Mundo Especial and Casa Ariel in Tijuana.

This year, the team embarked in a more creative project—quilts for several neonatal intensive care units in the Los Angeles area. “What makes these quilts so special?” Wesley asked. “They provide the opportunity to share God’s love and comfort, especially for the babies and their parents in the NICUs of Verdugo Hills USC Hospital, Los Angeles General Medical Center, and UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital.”
With the guidance of master quilter Diana Benson, and 60 square kits donated by Jan Stone, more than 22 women accepted the challenge to complete 48 baby quilts during the course of three months. Initially, each member of the quilting group worked independently. However, on March 11 and April 2, 2023, we came together to complete the quilts. Each quilt has a label with the Vallejo Drive church Women’s Ministry logo and the text, “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’” (Matthew 19:14).
On April 8, the completed quilts were blessed during the church service. That afternoon, the quilts were delivered to the three hospitals.
“Our Women’s Ministry will continue with this quilting project because it is how we live out our mission to love God, love others, and love service,” Wesley said.