After 32 years of experience in Adventist education, Wayne Dunbar comes to Southern California Conference (SCC) as associate superintendent.

Dunbar’s journey into education began unexpectedly. He graduated from Walla Walla University with a degree in business and plans to work in health care administration. He worked in that field for two years before deciding to get a master’s degree. While in graduate school, he received a call from Deer Lake School in Burnaby, British Columbia, asking if he would take his brother’s place as a substitute teacher. He accepted, and during the next two years, he developed a passion for teaching and discovered a new calling to be an educator. He switched gears, earned his teaching credentials, and his first role after subbing was second grade teacher at that very school.

Since that life-changing opportunity, Dunbar’s varied experience has led to a fulfilling career in education, serving in three countries so far: Canada, United States, and Marshall Islands. He has taught elementary, junior high, and high school, has served as principal more than once, and has more than a decade of experience in higher education. Dunbar comes to the SCC from La Sierra University, spending the last four of his 10 years there as the Vice President for Strategic Engagement, Enrollment and Marketing.

To be a support certainly for principals, with and through their boards, and thereby supporting their teachers and staff so that they can do the job that they’re there to do. If I can help them, that ends up helping the students. It’s an indirect way, but it makes a difference.

Wayne Dunbar

His new role as associate superintendent was a surprising but welcome change that he embraced knowing God was leading. “I’m thankful, I’m grateful, and I’m excited,” Dunbar said. “It’s not what I planned on, but it’s what's happened. It’s how God has led. And in most of these cases, I didn’t go out looking for something. Doors opened, and it was hard to say no when God comes knocking.”

When asked what he enjoyed most about teaching, Dunbar reflected on his joy of drawing students closer to Jesus. “It is about impacting a young person and helping them see future possibilities,” Dunbar said. “As an Adventist teacher, a Christian educator, your goal is to help them to see Jesus as somebody who loves them and cares about them, and you want to bring them into a relationship with Him.”

While he may not have such a direct impact on students in this role, they are still the reason why he is here. “It is helping schools and teachers, and thereby helping students,” Dunbar said. “To be a support certainly for principals, with and through their boards, and thereby supporting their teachers and staff so that they can do the job that they’re there to do. If I can help them, that ends up helping the students. It’s an indirect way, but it makes a difference.”

Dunbar will be working with six SCC schools. With his background in enrollment and marketing, he also hopes to support the schools in those efforts. “I’m excited to share ideas, tips, and advice that can help them with marketing,” he said. “I know there are challenges at the schools; I know most of them don’t have staff that can focus on this. I’m interested in trying to share and develop with our schools here in SCC.”

“It’s been rewarding,” Dunbar said of his career up to this point. “I feel that I’ve been blessed along the way.”