Branden Stoltz was on sabbatical when he learned he might be nominated for the West Region director position. “I was in the Redwoods at the time, and I immediately said, ‘Nope, I don’t want it.’ But as I was walking through the Redwoods, halfway around this large tree, suddenly the thought of being nominated, with all my plans I had for the next two years at the churches that I love, and my own personal plans, all randomly coalesced in this moment and I thought, ‘Maybe God has plans that are different than mine.’”
Stoltz—who recently served as senior pastor of Hollywood church for 10 years, the last six of those also as senior pastor of Burbank church—didn’t come to this decision easily. “It was so difficult,” he said. “I mean, with tears I wrestled with God. I felt like Jacob, which is not lost on me with my recent hip replacement surgery. But then I finally said, ‘Okay God, Your will.’ So I had time to process through the possibility of being the West Region director.”
“To be able to serve in this capacity, I have confidence, peace, and excitement,” Stoltz added. “I’m also very sad about leaving my churches, but thankfully I am stepping into a role that I can continue to support them—plus, 20 other churches.”
Stoltz believes God has prepared him for this point in his ministry in what feels like an unconventional path. A business degree with plans of restaurant ownership led to a master’s degree in teaching with hopes of becoming an educator. God’s call to Stoltz, “I want you to teach, but I want you to teach about Me,” eventually brought him to pastoral ministry.
“My passion is that people know Jesus,” Stoltz said, “and that our churches are poised to meet the needs of the people immediately around them in unique and relevant ways. In this role, if I can help empower people to do their ministry, I think I’ll be successful.”