This February, Southern California Conference (SCC) Pathfinders held their first virtual convocation. In years past, the event had been held in person at the White Memorial church.
This year’s three-day-long convocation was pre-recorded and streamed over both Facebook and YouTube. The theme was “Hope and Joy,” focusing on the hope and joy that Jesus offers in contrast to the fear and anxiety that many Pathfinders have experienced during the past year with this pandemic.
The convocation began with song service led by the White Memorial praise team, followed by the opening exercises by the Hollywood Spanish club. Special music was presented by Pasadena, Central Filipino, Glendale Filipino, and Hollydale Pathfinders.
Johanna Amaya Dominquez from the Spanish American church was the convocation speaker. Her message was titled: “The Combo That Leaves You Full.” Using a bag from In & Out as a prop, she described how In & Out Animal Fries would fill her up and proposed that when you invite Jesus into your life, you are satisfied and feel full.

“The Pathfinder convocation is a wonderful event that brings young people together,” reflected Dominguez. “I profoundly believe in the limitless potential of our youth and their essential part in God’s master plan.”
At the conclusion of her message, Dominguez gave an invitation for the Pathfinders to make a decision for baptism. A QR code appeared on the screen, and the Pathfinders responded to the call by scanning the QR code and filling out the Google Form.
A service component of the event encouraged the students to bring canned goods to the church ahead of time for the White Memorial church food ministry.
“The virtual convocation wasn’t the same as meeting in person; however, it did allow us to worship together as a conference Pathfinder family,” Kevin Morris, SCC interim youth ministries director, said. “I would like to thank our conference coordinators team for everything they did to put this virtual convocation together.”