“But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7
Pastor Kevin Camato chose to have this verse read at his ordination service in December. Prior to reading the verse, Orville Ortiz, SCC treasurer, shared Kevin’s reasoning. “This verse, I feel, is indicative of my ministry. God chose a fragile individual to portray His power.”
Camato graduated from Pacific Union College with a Bachelor of Arts in Theology in 2006. He then served as the youth pastor for the Napa Korean church and the youth/associate pastor for the Cerritos Korean church. Camato served as associate pastor of the Living Word Fellowship church while he attended Andrews University theological seminary, which he graduated in 2014. His next call was to be the senior pastor at Upper Room Fellowship church, where he currently serves.
In the homily, Elder Velino A. Salazar, SCC president, shared about the many different hats an ordained pastor must wear in ministry. He likened the position to that of a sculptor, artist, and carpenter, among others. Elder James G. Lee, SCC vice president, followed with his ministerial charge. In it, he affirmed the calling, saying, “There is no higher calling. You are not just called by a church, region, or conference — you are called by God.”
Camato chose to make his response a prayer. “The only reason I’m here is because of God,” he said. “Pray with me as I thank Him for this opportunity.”