This spring, the Palmdale church celebrated 60 years of ministry. Attendees gathered together for worship outdoors under a camp meeting-style tent on the beautiful sunny day. Previous pastors Rockne Dahl, now retired, and Riva Robinson, current pastor at the Santa Barbara church, were present, along with the current pastor, José Gutierrez. Current and former members alike came to celebrate this joyous occasion.
The church's history highlights its blossoming ministry, from growing out of the Lancaster church, to bringing a Hispanic ministry to life, and finally, planting a fellowship in Acton.
“Palmdale church is unique in that it’s the only West Region church to have fully Spanish, fully English services every week,” said Greg Hoenes, West Region director. “The two groups share some ministries and work to make the church a space that fosters growth for both. Pastor Gutierrez is leading the church to greater communion and growth. It’s clear God is leading!”
According to the program distributed to attendees, a challenge given to the church in 1984 still rings true: “We need to accept the challenge to bring more souls to Christ than we have in the past. Let us all faithfully witness in Palmdale and surrounding areas, finish God’s work, and have an eternal home in heaven!”