On Sabbath afternoon, March 17, the Light Above group became a Company of the Southern California Conference (SCC). The recognition and certification ceremony was held at the Foothills Community church, the congregation’s rented facility in Pasadena. In October 2006, 21 believers started a Visayan (Filipino dialect) group which met in a room in Eagle Rock. They were sponsored by the Hollydale Community church in Southgate. As they grew, they moved two more times — to the second floor of the American Red Cross building in Glendale, and then to their current location.
In his challenge to the church, Elder Velino A. Salazar, SCC president, read Ephesians 1:15-23. “The true church is marked by double love,” he said, “love for Christ and love for others.” He concluded his message with this challenge: “Light Above, Jesus is counting on you! His plan is that you and I live forever with Him. Let’s go out and tell everyone that Jesus is coming soon.”
Dimie Sisona, Light Above associate pastor, recognized each of the 107 current members. The Light Above Singers provided several special musical numbers during the service. Elder John H. Cress, SCC executive secretary, outlined the steps the group has taken to achieve the certification of company status. “We, the officers of the Southern California Conference, are happy and ready to recognize what the Lord has done and is doing in this place,” he said.
Following a prayer of dedication by Elder James G. Lee, SCC vice president, Salazar presented the certificate to Pastor Rodrigo Alabat, Light Above senior pastor; Joy Alabat-Evasco, church auditor; and Sisona.
Orville Ortiz, SCC treasurer, greeted the congregation with “Malipayong Adlaw’ng igpapahulay” (“Happy Sabbath”) and “Aduna Ko’y checke” (“I have a check”) as he presented Alabat with a $2,500 check to be used for evangelism. Elder Samuel Lee, SCC Asian-Pacific Pegion director, recommended the induction of the officers of the church, and Salazar accepted the officers.
In closing, Salazar said, “Today, Saturday, March 17, 2018, at 4:26 p.m., I declare that this congregation now has the status of Company. To God be the glory!”
The Light Above company will continue its mission of “strengthening faith in the Savior to prepare a people for the soon coming of Jesus Christ.”