Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I hope all is well with you, both physically and spiritually.
My name is Ewan Wonoprabowo, auditing director of Southern California Conference. Today, I am going to talk about “unity in diversity,” which is one of the core values of the conference.
As you may have known, our churches are grouped into five different regions: Asian-Pacific, Greater Los Angeles, Hispanic, L.A. Metro, and the West region. But I am glad that the auditing department works across all the regions.
We are united in our mission and vision, and we’re also bound by the same rules, regulations, and policies of our conference as well as those of the U.S. government.
The primary purpose of internal auditing is to determine that the church’s stated policies and procedures are being followed at all levels of operation.
I’m talking about accounting or financial policies. As an internal auditor, my understanding of internal auditing is that it is a form of self-appraisal. It is a review of a church’s organization and behavior as conducted by its volunteers and employees. And the primary purpose of internal auditing is to determine that the church’s stated policies and procedures are being followed at all levels of operation.
Mostly, I work with local church treasurers, elementary schools, or junior academies treasurers and pre-school treasurers. I would like to take this opportunity to personally appreciate and thank those treasurers for their dedication, commitment, and services.
The treasurer is called to an important task—a sacred work—and is elected as the other church officers are. He or she can greatly encourage faithfulness in the returning of tithes and deepen the spirit of liberality on the part of the church members. A word of counsel given in the spirit of the Master will help the brother or sister to render faithfully to God in tithes and offerings, even in a time of financial stringency.
The treasurer is called to an important task—a sacred work—and is elected as the other church officers are.
For that reason, I believe the treasurer is specially blessed and he/she must be a man or woman of God who can win the confidence of our members or donors. And it is also important that the treasurer follows the policies and procedures as required.
As humans though, every one of us (including the treasurer) is not exempt from mistake or error. Only God is infallible and perfect! Testimonies for the Church, volume 4, page 17 reads: “Many do not realize the sacredness of church relationship and are loath to submit to restraint and discipline. Their course of action shows that they exalt their own judgment above that of the united church, and they are not careful to guard themselves lest they encourage a spirit of opposition to its voice. Those who hold responsible positions in the church may have faults in common with other people and may err in their decisions…”
Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (NIV). My emphasis is on the latter part of the verse: We are called according to His purpose.
Each one of us has been called to serve in a different capacity or ministry—sometimes for one term, two terms, or longer.Each one of us has been called to serve in a different capacity or ministry.
God can call us this year to hold one position and at another time with a different position, or even with no position at all. But as a church, we must be united and love one another. We need to support those currently holding a position and those who move to a different position. Let us be faithful to God and do what is right (not in our own sight, but right in the sight of God).
Workers for God and each one of us are to set a Christlike example in spirit, in word, and in deed, showing that we are sanctified through the truth. Thus, we may bear testimony to the world that God sent His Son to save sinners, to purify, and to ennoble sinful human beings.
May the eyes of God’s people—our eyes—be opened, that we may see the importance that the Lord places on the oneness of His people.
May the eyes of God’s people—our eyes—be opened, that we may see the importance that the Lord places on the oneness of His people. May we always remember and keep in mind the popular motto that says, “United we stand, divided we fall.” May our hearts be so filled with the desire to answer Christ’s prayer, found in the gospel of John chapter 17, that we will allow nothing to keep us from fulfilling God’s requirements and from loving one another. Amen.