Have you ever worked on something in your life that was all consuming? That is how I felt when I was working for my undergrad in college. It seemed like any little spare minute I had I was constantly in front of the laptop, constantly reading and constantly writing papers. Life was awesome, God was doing amazing things, I have an awesome wife; but lo and behold the laptop waited for me once I got home.
This past February, something amazing happened: I turned in the capstone project for my degree plan. Although it was supposed to take 72 hours for me to receive my grade on it, I heard my cell phone ring the very next day while cleaning the room. Guess what happened!? I passed! I officially received my bachelor’s degree. What an amazing feeling. All the hard work and sleepless nights finally paid off.
He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
1 John 5:12 (KJV)
The joy was sweet, but soon I was back doing the same thing; cleaning the living room. The butterflies in my stomach had flown away and the email felt like old news in a matter of minutes. Then a Bible verse came to my mind that I had recently read.
Imagine, just imagine if my whole life’s worth was that degree. Imagine if my value came from a piece of paper? True joy that lasts a lifetime is not found in anything other than “having the Son.” The Son, who came down from a perfect world to die for an imperfect person. The Son, who was mistreated and abused so I can have the hope of eternal life.
Thank you, Jesus. Jesus only can bring us that true fulfillment that our soul so desperately needs. Our joy, comfort, peace and acceptance does not come by hoarding food, supplies or anything that we could potentially work for. These sacred and priceless characteristics are freely given to those who are willing to receive them. Do you have the Son? If not, do you want the Son? Every day we encounter that precious invitation.