Bonacca Key in Guanaja experienced a fire in 2021 that burnt down about 1/3 of the key. Most of the population of Guanaja lives on Bonacca Key. The purpose of this mission trip is to rebuild the school that was burned down as well as provide medical work (vision and gynecology), dental services, a Vacation Bible School program, and an evangelistic campaign.




Guanaja, Honduras


June 22 to July 5

Mission trip work ends on July 1st. There is 4-day vacation excursion which includes transportation and lodging that is included in the price.


$1,175 per participant (not including flight).

$300 due upon registration (non-refundable)
$900 due May 19, 2023
$1,000 due June 1, 2023






children's outreach

We will need a large staff to run the children’s “VBS” Vacation Bible School and volunteers that can do puppet shows, sing and show Jesus to the kids.

medical outreach

We will need at least 2 medical doctors, nurses and staff that can help doctors and organization with no medical experience. At least 2 dentist and staff to help. We will be distributing used glasses, and a large crew will be needed for the glasses ministry.


We need all types of construction related talents and a large crew of volunteers to run the construction of the Adventist school. No experience necessary. We will be finishing an existing structure and our goal is to finish the shell before we leave.


$1,175 (not including airfare) per participant. It is suggested that you bring personal funds of about $100-$200 for personal purchases. If you are traveling from another part of the country, your fee will be $1,175.

Lodging, transportation and food during the trip is included in the price.

Payment schedule

$300 due upon registration (non-refundable)
$900 due May 19, 2023
$1,000 due June 1, 2023


We will be staying at a hotel on the Bonacca Key, in Guanaja, Honduras, located 1-2 minutes walking from the work site. It will be minimum double occupancy to a room. It is a modest hotel with basic amenities. We will stay at a resort hotel for the three-day excursion.


Ground transportation while in Honduras is included. All transportation is included if you depart and arrive with the group. If you are arriving or departing at a different date or from a different part of the country, you will need to arrive by Thursday June 22nd at 12


Food is included in your fee. There will be 3 daily meals until the excursion. All food will be vegetarian with a vegan option. Please note that food is included in the three-day excursion.


We will need a small crew of volunteers on a daily basis to help in the kitchen to prepare meals for all volunteers.


There is 3-day vacation excursion which includes transportation and lodging that is included in the price. This all-inclusive excursion will be at Henry Morgan Resort. For more information on the resort visit: